The Moos Report, with Cowvin (the cow)

Cowvin does You Tube!  Obviously a cow on the mooove, having displayed abilities in areas ranging from garage sale assistance to flying down the frigid, snow-covered slopes of the Indiana mountains, Cowvin is now extending his areas of expertise to include a broad scope of content on his very own source for news, the weekly Moos Report.1

If ever you’ve had an interest in keeping up-to-date with the latest news across the nation, you will want to subscribe to Cowvin’s news channel hosted on You Tube:   The Moos Report’s online coverage is the  most comprehensive and informative ever produced, brought to you weekly with reports broadcast both from the anchor’s desk as well as from the field.  In today’s world of printed media, local and national news sources and the world wide web, you may become confused with where to find the best, most accurate and up-to-date information. Cowvin is here to provide the answer.

This week’s episode focuses on Cowvin participating in the Red Legs Race to help raise money for the Reds Community Fund and attending Riverfest in downtown Cincinnati. Also featured is a  field interview at the World’s Largest Yardsale in Tennessee. 

Don’t be caught off guard at the water cooler or at parties.  Staying up on current events is the best way to impress a crowd. As with all his other ventures, Cowvin is here to help! is the best and easiest way to advertise, locate, and prepare for your next weekend treasure hunt. We provide ABSOLUTELY FREE local garage sale advertising and locating in your local area. You are provided flexibility, simplicity, organization, and time saving tools to enhance your garage sale experience. Stop by our website at to see how easy putting together a successful garage sale can be. is the nation’s largest garage sale website with an amazing amount of new users joining each day. Thank you all for visiting our website and enjoy those sales!

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